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Understanding Properties and Methods in Swift Structures

Updated: Jul 1, 2023

In this post, we'll explore the concept of properties and methods in Swift structures, highlighting their differences and when to use each.


Properties are variables or constants that belong to an instance of a structure, providing storage for values. There are two types of properties:

  1. Stored properties: These hold on to a value, either as a variable or a constant.

  2. Computed properties: These don't store a value but calculate it based on other properties or values.

struct Rectangle {
    var width: Double
    var height: Double

In the example above, width and height are stored properties.

Computed Properties

Computed properties don't store values themselves but rather calculate them based on other properties or values. They're defined using a getter block, which is executed when the computed property is accessed.

struct Circle {
    var radius: Double
    var circumference: Double {
        return 2 * Double.pi * radius

In the example above, circumference is a computed property that calculates the circumference of a Circle instance based on its radius.


Methods are functions that belong to a structure, allowing you to perform actions or tasks related to the instance. They're defined within the structure using the func keyword.

struct Rectangle {
    var width: Double
    var height: Double
    func area() -> Double {
        return width * height

In this example, the area() method calculates the area of a Rectangle instance.


The primary difference between computed properties and methods is how they're accessed and used:

  • Computed properties are accessed like regular properties, with no need for parentheses. Their values are automatically updated when other properties change.

  • Methods require parentheses when called, even if they take no arguments. They only execute their code when explicitly called.

When to Use

Use computed properties when:

  • The value depends on other properties and needs to be recalculated as they change.

  • You want the syntax for accessing the value to be consistent with other properties.

Use methods when:

  • The operation being performed is more complex or expensive, and you don't want it to run every time the value is accessed.

  • You need to pass arguments to modify the behavior or output of the operation.

By understanding the differences between computed properties and methods in Swift structures, you can make informed decisions about which to use for specific tasks, resulting in cleaner and more efficient code. Happy coding!


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